Slovenia is one of 13 European Member States in the CROCODILE project.

Within CROCODILE public authorities, road administrations and traffic information service providers of in total 13 European Member States are committed to set up and operate a data exchange infrastructure based on DATEX II. That infrastructure will be used to exchange data and information between all involved stakeholders, including private partners, with the goal to provide harmonised cross-border traveller information services along the whole corridor. A specific focus within CROCODILE will be on safety-related and truck parking information services.


The beneficiary is the official Member State representative (Steering Committee member). The public authority is directly involved in the voting process for agreements and formal applications. The beneficiaries are responsible for all the strategic decisions, such as changes in the project work plan, as well as all the actions that have to be taken in order to reach the project objectives. Several actors are involved in the project activities, most of them directly related to the road traffic and transport telematics application. The list comprises highway operators, ministries, public authorities as well as private industrial stakeholders.

In addition to the beneficiaries there are three associated Member States (Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovakia). However they do not carry out any implementations in the course of CROCODILE they still are invited to actively participate in the meetings of CROCODILE and will get full access to the project outcomes in order to guarantee comprehensive ITS deployment in European level.




CROCODILE Organisation